A docker image for running NCBI BLAST+, with a local blast database - designed for querying the Gene Ontology databases.
The Docker image built by the Dockerfile is designed to be used by docker-pipeline.
blast+ is installed via apt-get. The image's default command, go-blast.sh is built to replace run_BLAST.py from YoderLab/MMAP.
Variable | Description | Type | Required? | Default |
CONT_INPUT_ORFS_FILE | File containing sequence ORFs to query | Input | Yes | |
CONT_INPUT_BLAST_DB | The path to the blastdb to use | Input | Yes | |
CONT_OUTPUT_BLAST_RESULTS | Results file, in BLAST CSV format with subject titles (outfmt 10 std stitle ) | Output | Yes | |
CONT_BLAST_EVALUE | BLAST evalue | Parameter | No | 1e-15 |
CONT_BLAST_SEG | BLAST seg | Parameter | No | yes |
docker pull dukegcb/go-blast