
By dukegcb

Updated about 7 years ago

Tools (written in C using htslib) for manipulating next-generation sequencing data

Data Science
Integration & Delivery



Docker images for bioinformatic workflows that are built on dockerhub under the dukegcb organization.

Source Repository Organization

Each top level directory in the GCB-Dockerfiles repository corresponds to a dukegcb/<tool-name> docker container. Under this directory will be a directory for each version of the software. Inside each subdirectory will be the Dockerfile. The build context occurs in the directory containing the Docker file.

For example a Dockerfile that builds version 0.11.4 of FastQC would be stored in a file at fastqc/0.11.4/Dockerfile. The build context in this case is in fastqc/0.11.4.

Docker Hub Setup

Each top level directory will have a Automated Build setup with dockerhub.

Under Build Setttings There will be a build rule latest and each version of the software pointing to the specific <tool-name>/<software-version>/Dockerfile on the master branch with the <software-version> as the tag name.

For example if we want to build version 0.11.4 and 0.11.5 of FastQC there would be two dockerfiles: fastqc/0.11.4/Dockerfile and fastqc/0.11.5/Dockerfile.

We would create three build rules on dockerhub for the dukegcb/fastqc container:

Type    Name   Dockerfile Location         Docker Tag Name
Branch  master /fastqc/0.11.5   latest
Branch  master /fastqc/0.11.5   0.11.5
Branch  master /fastqc/0.11.4   0.11.4

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dukegcb/samtools