
By grahamdumpleton

Updated over 7 years ago

Deployment Docker base image for Python 3.5 web applications under Debian (Jessie).




This project contains Docker images for building and deploying Python web applications based around the warpdrive project.

The warp0 designation indicates this variant is for development and testing only and should not be used for production. Versions suitable for production usage will be designated with name warpX, where X tracks the major version of warpdrive.

Pre-built versions of the Docker images can be found on Docker Hub as:

The Docker images have been enabled for use with Source to Image (S2I) and can be used with OpenShift.

Image stream object definitions for OpenShift to allow the S2I builders to be used from the OpenShift UI can be found in openshift.json. This can be loaded into OpenShift using:

os create -f openshift.json

Docker Pull Command

docker pull grahamdumpleton/warp0-debian8-python35